Personal projects – the megastructure development blog tracking construction of megaprojects Sun, 23 Dec 2018 15:54:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 So Twenty-One [Abandoned WIP] Sat, 28 Dec 2013 19:58:52 +0000 I’ve been sitting on this project for a long while, and it’s time to come to terms with the fact that it will probably never be completed. So I’m releasing it and the source code in the very state it exists on my hard drive.

The game was inspired by (and features) So Twenty One by Sleepy Town Manufacture. This song is a free download on, but I also got permission from the creator to make the game. The idea was to have a short, interactive experience in time with music. There is a challenge involved (you can lose) but it was meant to be something anyone could play through in one or two tries.

I’ve exported my old SVN-based code to git, and uploaded it to GitHub. I hope someone finds it informative  or even helpful.

Mt. Brawlalot – competition results Mon, 13 Sep 2010 20:14:50 +0000

Audio: 8th place

Humor: 10th place

Everything else: wayyyyy out there!

This game was definitely not innovative. Innovation was not one of my goals this time around – mostly because of the theme (“Enemies as weapons”). Another excuse I have for not being innovative was my worry that I wouldn’t manage using the Unity platform, so I decided to keep it simple.

Similarly, I did not intend to put much into graphics, and the game looks appropriately. Nothing is animated, the textures are ill-fitting and simpleminded, and basically everything is a barely-modified box or sphere. (The audio, however, came out pretty much as I hoped.)

One of the goals for this competition was to make a fun, humorous game. I went for light-hearted sounds and flavor text, instead of the heavier, mysterious atmosphere from You are me now. The feedback tells me I succeeded in making it lighter and funnier.

However, the big lesson I learned here was that “funny” does not mean “fun”. Most responses to the game were positive when it came to their initial reaction, but the controls were so bad that nobody could actually bear playing it more than one or two rounds.

(See feedback on the entry page.)

And so we arrive at my weakest point of all: control schemes. All three of my attempts at the Ludum Dare competition have resulted in badly-controlled games. This is something I should work on before the next competition.

Thanks to everyone who played my game, I hope to make something better next time.

Atop Mt. Brawlalot – Ludum Dare #18 Tue, 24 Aug 2010 19:33:25 +0000 My entry for the 18th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition was called “Atop Mt. Brawlalot”. It is the story of one brave individual, who resolves to fling any opposition from the mountain, rather than give in.

The theme of this competition was “Enemies as Weapons”.

The physics are quite wonky, but it is “broken in a good/funny way” as one commenter says. I like that, and yes, I feel it was broken properly.

Links to download on the official submission page.

Also notable were Yoni’s first ever LD entry, and Daniel’s second.

Thing-a-Day 2010: Complete Sun, 28 Feb 2010 09:14:05 +0000 After participating in Thing-a-Day for my second year, I put together a summary grid with everything in one place. The complete graphical source is also available in a convenient .zip file.

For the graphics source and more info, see the original Posterous post on

The Character Project: Week Six – Amy Sun, 14 Feb 2010 21:37:30 +0000 Created for week six of The Character Project.

Graphics mostly created by Daniel. I reused some tiles hanging around for backgrounds. Built on Flixel.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Hammond: A mailman’s dream Sat, 02 Jan 2010 10:40:29 +0000 Hammond: A mailman’s dream is a small game I wrote for The Character Project.

Hammond was built on the Flixel framework, using Flashdevelop. Daniel made the mailman image, I made the rest. All graphics created with Inkscape.

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Leaving Satisfactoria – Ludum Dare #16 Sun, 13 Dec 2009 23:15:38 +0000 My entry for the 16th Ludum Dare 48-hour game creation competition. This competition was themed “Exploration”.


Get the competition version here:


I wanted to break the normal “exploration” mold, where the goal is to uncover every single square on a map. The following elements were under focus:

  • A conscious decision to depart from a comfortable space (leaving home)
  • The one-way journey, leading your exploration far from the comfort zone
  • Accepting the danger before you

The actual “exploration” probably occurs after the end of the game. You will most likely have to play a few times before reaching all points on the field, this is by design.


The entire game was built with the Pygame Python-based engine. You can get that here. Graphics were done entirely in MSpaint. Sound effects courtesy of sfxr.

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