sound – the megastructure development blog tracking construction of megaprojects Sun, 23 Dec 2018 15:54:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to download a Real Audio file without installing crapware Sat, 21 Jan 2012 11:18:13 +0000 After spending the better part of this morning struggling against obsolete file formats (Real Audio), I thought I would catalog and document the finished process for future reference. Feel free to sing along.

When I say “crapware”, I mean trial software/shareware of dubious origin. The process I came up with has plenty of software involved, but it is all freeware and stuff I trust or already had installed for other reasons. This is probably not the ideal way to do it.

  1. Determine the origin of the RM file. If you have a link to an RM, you’re fine. If you have a .RAM file instead, download it and open in a text editor. The .RAM file contains a single line pointing to the .RM file you need.
  2. Download the RM file. This is easy if the protocol is http. If the protocol is RTSP, you must use a special program. I used mplayer on Linux, following instructions found here. Simply run:mplayer -noframedrop -dumpfile out.rm -dumpstream rtsp://url/to/file.rm -bandwidth 250000
    to download your music file. (“Bandwidth” is some random number to make it go faster.)
  3. Convert the file to PCM (WAV) format. I used mplayer for this as well, under Linux. Simply run: mplayer out.rm -ap pcm Your file is now in PCM format!
  4. Convert the PCM file to MP3. We have finished the ugly parts and now I’m sure you can do this on your own. I use Audacity to open the WAV file and export to MP3.

Good luck!

Distant Chimneys Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:27:13 +0000 In preparation for next week’s Ludum Dare (#17), I have been working on atmospheric effects. The results are here, in what I call “Distant Chimneys”.  There is little in the way of gameplay, but I’m pleased with how the background and ambient effects turned out.

The music was made with Musagi (another Dr. Petter creation), instruments created in Absynth.

I feel very comfortable with Flixel, which I will probably use for the competition.

Play Distant Chimneys after the jump.

Use arrow keys to move and jump.  You might need to click on the game before playing, to give it focus.

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