The Kfar-Saba Indies: local game development
I don’t see myself as a Man of the Big World. But thanks to the internet, and Twitter in particular, I can soak up a lot of different world experiences without leaving my house. Why does anyone need to actually meetup physically anymore? Can’t we do everything digitally online? This narrative has sustained me for […]
Posted on January 17, 2013 at 9:57 am by eli · Permalink
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In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: andy moore, community, game development, gamedev, gdc, kfar saba, kfar saba indies, ksindies, local meetup, unconference
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: andy moore, community, game development, gamedev, gdc, kfar saba, kfar saba indies, ksindies, local meetup, unconference