Mt. Brawlalot – competition results
Audio: 8th place Humor: 10th place Everything else: wayyyyy out there! This game was definitely not innovative. Innovation was not one of my goals this time around – mostly because of the theme (“Enemies as weapons”). Another excuse I have for not being innovative was my worry that I wouldn’t manage using the Unity platform, […]
In: Personal projects, Uncategorized · Tagged with: analysis, ante-mortem, competition, game, ludum dare, post-mortem
Atop Mt. Brawlalot – Ludum Dare #18
My entry for the 18th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition was called “Atop Mt. Brawlalot”. It is the story of one brave individual, who resolves to fling any opposition from the mountain, rather than give in. The theme of this competition was “Enemies as Weapons”. The physics are quite wonky, but it is “broken […]
In: Personal projects · Tagged with: brawling chompers, competition, game, ld48, ludum dare, unity
You are me now – Ludum Dare #17
Here is my entry for the 17th Ludum Dare competition! The theme of the compo was “Islands”. It is called “You are me now”. You may need to click on the game to give it focus before playing. Hopefully, all instructions are given in-game. If you get stuck, you may need to backtrack a bit. […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: 48-hours, competition, flixel, game, islands, LD, ld48, ludum dare
Distant Chimneys
In preparation for next week’s Ludum Dare (#17), I have been working on atmospheric effects. The results are here, in what I call “Distant Chimneys”. There is little in the way of gameplay, but I’m pleased with how the background and ambient effects turned out. The music was made with Musagi (another Dr. Petter creation), instruments […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: ambience, chimneys, dynamic sprites, effect, flixel, game, LD, mood, music, practice, sound, wind
The Character Project: Week Six – Amy
Created for week six of The Character Project.
In: Personal projects · Tagged with: amy, character project, daniel, flash, flixel, game, mini game
Hammond: A mailman’s dream
Hammond: A mailman’s dream is a small game I wrote for The Character Project.
In: Personal projects · Tagged with: character, flash, flashdevelop, flixel, game, hammond, inkscape, wegotcharacter
Leaving Satisfactoria – Ludum Dare #16
My entry for the 16th Ludum Dare 48-hour game creation competition. This competition was themed “Exploration”. Download Get the competition version here: Leaving Satisfactoria – exe and (10,142 KB – Windows .exe and full source) alternative download Leaving (328 KB – full source, needs pygame [see below])
In: Personal projects · Tagged with: competition, exploration, game, ld48, ludum dare, pygame, satisfactoria
Elevated – v1.88
After starting year 2 of physics at TAU, it’s been hard to find time for anything other than schoolwork or zoning out. It’s been more than a month since last code update, and not much has improved. Elevators are now usable, complete with internal colliding surfaces. Most of the development has been trying to fix […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: 1.88, code, game, Megastrata, procedural content generation
Concept and design – a patchwork approach
In lieu of proper concept artwork or mock designs for a potential finished project, putting together photos discovered on Flickr has become a windfall of concept design. Using Flickr’s new Gallery feature, I have put together a few megastructure explorations. These are built from other users’ photos, but represent a larger structure that crosses space […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: architecture, concept, design, flickr, found artwork, game, Megastrata, megastructure, noiseviewer
thoughts on predictably-autogenerated content
I opened this separate WordPress blog on in order to explore some more technical aspects of the building process. I hope to publish my findings as I go along, with the lofty goal of making a complete Megastructure experience freely available. The stepping-stones along the way consist of modeling separate aspects of the Megastructure, […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: game, megastructure, PCG, procedural content generation, pseudorandom, random, simulation, world